District Standards
Please see District Computer and Accessory Standards for those purchasing new computer equipment and refer to the Employee Computer Equipment Standards.
Be sure to review the the Measure G Funded Staff and Faculty Assigned Computer Upgrade Processfor more information.
If you are a full-time FHDA employee and need a computer, please click here.
If you are responsible for creating a purchase requisition in Banner for a new computer, please click here for a guide. You may enter for example: "DELL Desktop Computer Standard" on the Purchase Requisition. But be sure the standard is what you need to order by reviewing the guide. If you have questions, contact your FFE Coordinator.
Click here for information about the use and support of iPads and similar hand held devices at FHDA.
Please see the Technology and Software Procurement and Payment Workflows for a reference guide for the procurement of technology (including, but not limited to, computer accessories and peripherals, instructional devices, and other non-districtwide software). These workflows are separate from the procurement of new devices (e.g., desktops or laptops) for employees, departmental shared spaces, and/or student computer labs.