ETS: Sunapsis Project Team Meeting

 Sunapsis Project Meeting Minutes

September 23, 2015 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Attendees:  Sheila White Daniels remotely, Vinita Bali, Sherri Mines, Joseph Ng, Chien Shih, Jerrick Woo, Mahmood Hasan, Jim Clow,  Bao Pham, Linda Koyama

  1. Discussion regarding intake form
      1. The originally designed short Intake form data cannot be fed into Sunapsis real time which poses problems with scheduling appointments with students and to keep them committed and engaged.  Sunapsis can only process after hours via a batch process which would take 24 hours to process.
          1. Option one:  Build the current paper application using Omniupdate LDP form and translate it into Sunapsis using their batch process.  One drawback is that If they fill the form out partially, there is no way to come back and complete it.  Have the capability for partial saves for phase II.  It will still be a two step process where upload of documents and answering other questions such as immigration questions will be taken care of in Sunapsis via e-forms.

          2. Option two:  Find another tool  other than Omniupdate that can allow partial saves to integrate into another database and possibly an outside contractor to implement.

          3. Option three:  Jim and Katia will develop an in-house html solution.
      2. It was agreed that we will go with option one.  The entire paper application will be replicated into an Omniupdate LDP web form.  Data in optional fields will be passed to Sunapsis and any missing information will become required in Sunapsis.

      3. Both colleges need to decide which fields are mandatory and which are optional.  Each college will meet separately to come up with their required fields and then come together on Tuesday, Sept. 29th @ 10:30 a.m. in Sheila's office for the final list of required fields.

      4. The scheduled October 7th meeting will be moved to September 30th to 1 p.m. Minutes and a copy of the scanned application will be distributed by September 24th. 
  2. Other issues
      1. Jim reported that the database structure is good.
      2. Menu option has a bug on the Sunapsis side, residency structure is missing in Sunapsis.  Matt is looking into it.
      3. Citizen and country code is not tied to SEVIS so it should be loading.
      4. There may be a way in the back end to load residency code information.   ETS may be able to map it and load it into a table.  Jim will look into it.
      5. Sherri will try a delete a profile to see if it works.
      6. Email issue has been resolved.
      7. Sherri will work with Ryan on the SEVIS connectivity.
      8. Katia and Ryan will complete the test platform.
      9. Mapping is almost complete. (2 left, residency and citizenship). Testing is being done by loading the XML files and Sherri is checking the mapping once it is loaded.
      10. Acceptance testing will need to be done once all the fields are successfully mapped.  Mapping will be completed by Oct. 7th.