ETS: Sunapsis Project Team Meeting

 Sunapsis Project Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2015 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Attendees:  Sherri Mines, Joseph Ng, Chien Shih, Mahmood Hasan, Jim Clow,  Linda Koyama

  1. Ongoing issues:
      1. Mail server issue:  Katia and Ryan worked with Matt Reynolds to resolve the email issue.  Now working.
      2. Single Sign On:  WIll touch base with ETS Matt regarding Sherri's difficulty with single sign on (sometimes after entering credentials, nothing happens).  Sherri will send screen shots.
      3. Problems with the initial data feed test have been resolved and were able to load the XML file; however, not all fields are mapping.  Sherri and Jim are working on it.
      4. Latest patches have been applied and we are currently up-to-date.
      5. Sunapsis support is still looking into the problem that Sherri had deleting a student's profile.
  2. Preparing for Matt Reynolds' visit (Oct. 19-21):
      1. Sherri will send out an invite for Ryan to get SEVIS configured with Sunapsis in addtion to the SSL certificates.
      2. Test instance VM server creation is done but now Sunapsis/Coldfusion software installation remains.
      3. XML upload is working properly.
      4. Mapping must be completed and working.
      5. Sevis feed must be working properly. (Can be tested by doing an address change).
      6. Email must be working.
      7. Single sign on is working.
      8. Goal is to have everything completed through # 3 on the check list and have a functional system to test by Sept. 30th.
      9. Sherri will send a list for Invitees for training to LInda.
  3. Sherri will be in Indiana for training Oct. 9-14.

  4. Chien's suggestion for the intake forms:  Keep it simple.  Joseph suggested to have a FAQ page that can be internally maintained.  ETS is ready to go.  Intake form will go live in January.  A meeting is scheduled for Sherri and Omniupdate to discuss the OU form capabilities.

  5. Encryption must wait until after Matt Reynolds visit.

  6. Matt Reynolds' agenda is posted on the project webpage.

  7. The go live for the admissions piece is winter 2016.  The go live for the SEVIS piece will be after Matt's visit. 

  8. Old FSAAtlas and SEVIS servers are needed for up to three  years.