Sunapsis Project Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2015 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Attendees: Vinita Bali, Sherri Mines, Joseph Ng, Angelica Strongone, Lark Cratty, Chien Shih, Mahmood Hasan, Jim Clow, Erwin Widiarta, Deepa Prasad, Katia Rostam Yazdi, Linda Koyama
- Chien reviewed the major components of the Sunapsis Project (led by Mahmood Hasan)
- Application (custom application or OpenCCCApply International App)
- Sunapsis core implementation
- Localization and integration (how will the info be uploaded to Banner; how will it fit into Foothill and De Anza's work flow and processes)
- Report of the discussion result with the State Chancellor Technology Office
- Roadmap and time line of State international student application. Go Live Target Sept. 1st, 2015
- Major discussion summary
- The apply button on the Foothill or De Anza International Student webpage will take them directly to the OpenCCApply international application and there is no place to choose any other college. (No drop down that lists other colleges). We will need to ask if it will require the student to create an OpenCCCApply account, which would take them away from our system.
- Support can be provided through their call center (24x7, with first call answered within 3 min 90%) Sherri would like to ask if support is in English only.
- FH/DA concerns and response by item from Tim and Pat (attached). Pop ups can be implemented by ETS to help further clarify what answers are needed.
- The State Chancellor's office would like a copy of the regulation regarding gender.
- We are encouraged to join the State Chancellor's international application steering committee.
- Concerns
- How will the dependence on their deadlines (decisions that need review by the steering committee) impact our ability to go live in January?
- If we use the Open CCCApply International App, sustainability and maintainability will be easier in the future from a technical standpoint.
- One concern is that OpenCCCApply International application is not compatible with smartphones; over half of applicants do not have desktop computers. To incorporate responsive design in a custom application will take additional time also.
- It is important that the information that needs to be reported to Homeland Security is available.
- We took a look at North Seattle's custom on-line international application. Supplemental
questions will be built into the Sunapsis e-form; the CCCApply international application
only allows for free form text answers. Sherri has developed over 50% of the Sunapsis
e-form on paper.
- Jim went over the flow chart for an international application.
- Unlike a domestic application, a student isn't immediately admitted once their initial application is completed.
- There was much discussion about when common matching should be done in Banner to retrieve or assign a CWID.
- Sherri wants to make sure that the suspense file for international students is different from the one for domestic students because she does not want A & R to have the capability to push students through.
- Currently, many international students are applying directly with Open CCCApply, which places an automatic hold on their application.
- Nightly, Sunapsis will create a report of all students admitted that day and this information will be dumped into a file that Lee McDonald will help format to look like a OpenCCCApply application, that will feed into Banner.
- The concensus was that the work flow should mirror the current Open CCCApply process for domestic applications as much as possible regarding the Oracle table and suspense file which will feed into Sunapsis instead of Banner admission.
- Once the paperwork and admission requirements are complete and the student is admitted in Sunapsis, the information will be passed to update Banner.
- Further remapping and simplification is needed for the flow chart before June 15th. Jim, Deepa, and Hasan will meet with Sherri.
- Update of project web site with new commitment dates
• Delivery of the test and production instances to users for configuration by 06-15-2015.
• Complete the installation of the system by Sunapsis consultants by 07-15-2015
• Complete the system localization by FHDA functional team by 8-31-2015
• Complete the first pilot system testing by 10-09-2015
• Site visit by the Sunapsis consultant on 10-19-15 through 10-21-15
• System readiness to go live internally by 11-16-2015
• Open application to public end of January 2016 - Next steps:
- ETS will need to know by June 15th if they need to design an application from scratch.
- Vinita would like some time to review the questions and answers and come back to ETS with their recommendations by May 22nd. It will then be forwarded to the state chancellor's office.
- ETS can set up a conference call with Tim Calhoun from the state chancellor's office to ask questions directly with Sherri, Lark and Joseph,( Angelica and Vinita optional) the first week of June, along with Deepa and Hasan.
- Hardware, software, for one system is in place. In order to create a development system, Matt Reynolds said that we would need to purchase a whole new set of licenses. Sherri will touch base with other colleges who have multiple instances.
- The international student office will provide a copy of the current hard copy application to ETS.
- Linda will update the new commitment dates and minutes on the project website (