Sunapsis Project Meeting Minutes
December 1, 2015 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Attendees: Lee McDonald remotely; Vinita Bali, Sherri Mines, Joseph Ng, Mahmood Hasan, Katia Rostam Yazdi, Linda Koyama
- Project Status
- Update from Lee: He is currently working on the common matching form that he hopes will be finished by the end of the week. Hasan sent the SWACCAP form that Lee had requested; it turns out he needs the SWAMTCH form instead. Sherri and Joseph are requesting an online session with Lee to walk them through the form when ready.
- Update from Katia:
- She is working on the extract file using commas as delimeters. Problem arises when the students enter a comma on the form; she is working on removing the commas or displaying an error message.
- Katia's extract file will be placed in a directory which was created on the database server, similar in structure to Open CCCApply.
- It will be a secure file transfer from OU to the directory.
- Scheduling the next Sunapsis Upgrade (includes OPT changes from Sevis and Sunapsis structural changes to accommodate the
required fields for email address and phone number when updating personal information):
Tentatively scheduled for Thursday or Friday this week or early next week. Sherri
will consult Jim to see how the email and phone numbers can be updated in Sunapsis
from Banner or ODS. (12/2 update: Sherri confirmed that email and phone information
is brought over from Banner during the daily download) Once the patch is applied
to the test environment, ETS will notify the project team. Once it is certified by
the users, it will be applied to production.
- Intake form:
- Sherri has been entering test students and Katia corrected a few bugs that came up.
- There is a separate checklist/workflow for each admission quarter. The term code is required in the admissions.xml file in order to place the student on the correct checklist.
- The drop down for "Quarter you are applying for" should start with summer and will need to be updated each quarter. One challenge is that the application cutoffs are different for both colleges.
- The order should be: Summer 2016, fall 2016, winter 2017, spring 2017, summer 2017, fall 2017, winter 2018.... It needs to be updated each quarter. Further discussion is required regarding maintenance of the quarters in this drop down menu.
- Foothill continues to accept applications past the official deadline. Joseph and Sherri will come up with options and Katia will see which ones are possible (i.e. two drop downs?).
- There was discussion about where to display application deadlines (International students who are already in the U.S. vs. those still abroad). Vinita cautioned not to have too much text upfront. Still undecided.
- Katia removed the google search and links in the footer and provided a link to the international student programs page.
- Update from Sherri:
- She is working on the workflow for the checklist for admission. She and Katia have been hand-creating a student in an admissions.xml file and was successful in loading it onto an admissions checklist; working on getting it to the correct stage.
- The following file formats are allowed for documents uploaded into Sunapsis: Pdf, jpeg, png, and pmd.
- The email notification is currently turned off.
- Take Away Items
- Hasan will send Lee the SWAMTCH form.
- During the next meeting, Lee will walk Sherri and Joseph through the form which reviews the suspense records.
- Sherri and Joseph will add more sample students using the intake form.
- Provide Sherri with access to the jbCheckListStage database . She will also require VPN access.
- Joseph and Sherri will come up with different options to handle the terms available to apply for, taking into account the different application cutoff dates for both colleges. Katia will research which ones are possible.
- Sherri and Joseph will continue to work on the FAQ page which will be hosted on the international student's website.
- Regarding students with special needs, Sherri and Joseph will continue to work on possibly providing information on the post-submission page with a link for all the required DSPS documents. They will have more conversations with the DSPS offices.
- Katia will update the order of the terms, starting with summer 2016, fall 2016, etc.
- The next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 17th @ 2 p.m.