Canvas Project Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2015 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Attendees: Judy Baker, Jerrick Woo, Mahmood Hasan, Matt Rapczynski, Deepa Prasad, Linda Koyama
- There is a possibility that more sections may be added.
- Mark has cross listings; soc010.02w and psyc010.02w are the same course but the crns
are different. He will pick a primary course. It was assumed that group sites would
be grouped together by subject code and course number; this restriction will no longer
be needed. There also can be cases of team teaching that were teaching the same
course (one under soc and one under psyc) but have a different primary teacher.
- Judy would like the ability to be able to enroll as many teachers that are assigned
to teach that course.
- When they request a group site, they can group any courses together (spec change);
currently they can only request the course for which they are the primary teacher.
Secondary teachers should not be able to create another shell.
- Enrollments can be done at the course level and the section level. The primary teacher
is enrolled in the course site in Canvas so that they can see all the sections and
all the enrolled students. The secondary teachers should be enrolled as a teacher
into the group site.
- Currently in Canvas, to add someone into your course site, a TA for example, it is
very laborious to add the e-mail address and name and then go back to add the CWID.
Matt will think about adding an admin tool to Judy's admin. section that can provision
users in Canvas. We can restrict adding people to Judy only.
- There is a hybrid section for one of Patricia's Soc 1 course that she is planning
to use Etudes. Judy will talk with the instructor to see if she would like to add
it to Canvas (would be adding another course to the pilot; Matt does not have a problem
with it, as long as someone is managing the content for that course).
- In August, Matt will create the three empty shells and would like the instructors
to practice migrating content from term to term into the empty shells.
- We reviewed the requirements, broken down by students, admin, and faculty. The Canvas
log-in portal will still be accessible even after we switch to single sign on via
Myportal but not common knowledge.
- Change to specs: The confirmation e-mail will come from Canvas instead of the cashier
office. Judy will investigate if she can change the content of the confirmation e-mail
as an admin. The link in the e-mail will prompt them for the CWID and password and
will take them directly to the Canvas site. We will have a better idea about the student
experience during testing in August.
- Dynamic Channel design: Links will be shown, based on the student's enrollment and
only show the links that are pertinent to them (i.e. show Canvas only if they are
enrolled in a Canvas course). Take out wording "login", "logon". The Foothill helpdesk
will appear for both Etudes and Canvas. Judy would like a Canvas info link temporarily.
There will be only one channel for both colleges. Deepa will notify Lorrie Ranck
about the changes in fall. Judy added a link to the Foothill helpdesk link on Canvas.
Judy woiuld like the wording to be changed from "ask for help" to "help". The wording
can be tweeked once it has been designed.
- Data refresh from Banner will happen in real time.
- Jerrick will find out if the new faculty attribute "CANV" in SIRATTR table uses a
validation table. (Similar to ETUD attribute).
- Canvas has the option for instructors to add or drop sections in real time. If a
section is canceled, it will be dropped form the course site automatically. If they
want to add a newly created section, they will need to do that my going through MyPortal,
my canvas sites and add a section to a site. Judy will need to create instructions
for them.
- Judy has revoked the ability for instructors to create their own sites. Judy may need
to revoke the ability of instructors to delete a section which would delete the enrollment
tied to the section.
- We will use the same channel for faculty.
- Grade submission: Jerrick will give the API format required for the upload to Banner.
This is needed October/November timeframe.
- Next steps: Matt is working on the Beta test for August. In the next meeting, Matt will provide a demo.