Foothill Pilot for Canvas
Conference Call Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2015 10-11 a.m.
Attendees: John Sills from the State Chancellor's office, Jason Peacock from Instructure, and Judy Baker by phone, Chien Shih, Jerrick Woo, Mahmood Hasan, Matt Rapczynski, Deepa Prasad, Linda Koyama
- Foothill Canvas implementation for fall quarter:
- As part of the pilot project for the OEI course exchange, Foothill will offer 3 courses (5 sections) via Canvas for fall quarter. These sections will only appear in Canvas and not in Etudes.
- .Decision to go campus wide for Foothill has not been determined. When and if Foothill decides to move campus wide to Canvas, Judy will come up with a migration plan.
- Infrastructure requirements for ETS
- Build single sign on for Canvas' specifications
- Determine how to interface Banner and Canvas for these five sections
- Create a test instance to test the scripts that will download the five sections
- Once fully tested, move to production
- All colleges will have access to a test and beta site in Canvas. For Foothill, the url is The test site is available for three weeks; it is an exact copy of our production site and refreshed every three weeks. Shibboleth is the preferred method for single sign on.
- Mahmood Hasan will be the project lead and will assemble a team member list which will be posted on the project website and will be sent to John to add to base camp. Regular meetings will be scheduled.
- It's important to keep in mind that the data will be refreshed every three weeks; it was suggested that course content creation should be done in production.
- By the 3rd week in July, will be available for test.
- Judy is manually creating the course content. Steve is working with Canvas to create a migration tool for Etudes.
- Jerrick raised the question if the data needs to be massaged before it is uploaded to the course management system; the answer is yes and there is documentation in base camp about the required information and field format.
- Yuba College is using Canvas and is a Banner college also.
- All the pilot colleges are following the same time line as Foothill.
- Judy is the administrator for Canvas instance; she will also need the team list.
- The scope and critical success factors of the project needs to be clearly defined; course content needs to be built by distance learning and approved by the faculty. ETS' responsibility is to build the infrastructure and the courses and schedules are loaded into Canvas, and students and faculty can access Canvas from Banner.