De Anza OU Migration Project Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2015 10-11 am
Attendees: Micah Roark remotely; Alex Harrell, Larry Ching, Chien Shih, Mahmood Hasan, Chris Dubeau, Katia Rostam-Yazdi, Linda Koyama
- Nov. 16, 2015 Transporter attempts:
- First attempt from 8 a.m. had issues with network connectivity. Those were resolved and another attempt was scheduled the same day at 5 p.m.
- Tried again at 5 p.m. Data structure error bug possibly involving the OU Marketplace feature crashed the transporter. Nothing was written to the FHDA server. Micah has registered the problem with the OU development team. No ETA for a fix but hoping the turnaround time will be 1-2 days.
- Will reschedule the transport when the fix is available.
- OU cannot guarantee that the fix will be bug-free but they will test to try and uncover any other bugs. If there is a problem with the data, we won't know until we attempt the transporter again.
- We are the first customer that got this error going from Postgres to Postgres. Most
transports are from V9 SaaS systems to V10 SaaS systems.
- Micah will update the ticket as soon as the fix is available to schedule another transport;
can schedule in the evening again. We can unlock the De Anza SaaS account imuch faster
since we are only copying the data for this test drive.
- Impact to the schedule: By the end of November, we hope to have the database migrated
to ESL to test SSO and authentication. If we can't migrate by the end of next week,
we may need to readjust the schedule.
- No changes to the functional specs.
- Take away items:
- Question for OU: Can an administrator send a message to all users who are currently logged in to warn them of an imminent system shutdown? Micah will update the ticket with the answer. In an email dated 11-17-15 Micah replied: Unfortunately, no, not at this time.
- Larry will notify users of the next outage on the log in page and either targeted to logged in users only or all users.
- Micah, Chris and Hasan will be on standby for the next scheduled transport.
- During the transport, Micah will communicate progress to Chris via updates to the ticket.
- OU will research if Webdav can be used to move things from the development site to the live site with an ESL system. Would like to know how SSO will work with Webdav. In an email dated 11-17-15 from Micah, he writes: yes, WebDav clients will work with your on-premise system. WebDav clients will authenticate with OUCampus SaaS or on-premise the same way regardless of the network location; the user account will either need to be created in OUCampus as a local user/password combination, or be registered with LDAP credentials to one of your LDAP servers.