ETS: De Anza OU Migration Meeting

 De Anza OU Migration Project Meeting Minutes

January 5, 2016 10-11 am

Attendees:  Michael Monina, Micah Roark,  Alex Harrell, and Larry Ching remotely; Chien Shih, Mahmood Hasan, Chris Dubeau, Katia Rostam-Yazdi, Linda Koyama

  1. Transporter Fix Update
      1. Update from Micah:  
          1. Testing continues; it is working between the two Postgres instances in their test environment but minor glitches are being encountered.  Micah's gut feeling is that it will be ready in the next month or so.
          2. According to Micah, there is no real feasible alternatives for a co-mingled multi-tenant SaaS environment to grab all the  accounts and move them over safely.  In the export function of OU, the user list and passwords will not be exported.  The transporter can handle assets, asset tags and pivot files and versions that the export function could not.  
          3. No firm ETA for the transporter fixes available.
      2. Larry clarified that De Anza is currently not using any Live Delivery Platform features.  

      3. Chien stated that it is not a question whether we can or cannot wait; our main concern is not knowing when and if the transporter will be ready and how reliable it will be.  Question to Michael Monina:  How can more focus and resources be placed on this project at OU?  ETS can offer technical assistance with the testing.

      4. Michael reassured us that the project to get the transporter working is high on their priority list; it is the first time they have run into these issues going from Postgres to Postgres and he will do his best to make it a higher priority to get it done as quickly as possible.   Chien expressed the need to have a clear understanding of the progress and of the difficulties they are encountering.  

  2. Considering an Alternative:  
      1. Chien asked if a senior developer could join on of our meetings in the future to look into an alternative to the transporter.  OU will provide the a list of the assets and number of users (389).  Michael felt that using an alternative besides the transporter would not be recommended, being more of a challenge than it is worth and much less efficient.  

      2. Larry is in favor of waiting for the transporter to be fixed. He is familiar with the basic export function that OU provides and understands the limitations.  Larry has experience with their transporter going from version 9 to 10.

      3. Alex wanted to know if we should set a date to pursue an alternative if the transporter is not ready by then.  We will wait for an timeline update from Michael next week before updating the timeline.
  3. Next steps:
      1. Michael will provide a more accurate timeline when the transporter will be ready at next week's meeting.
      2. Our original target date was end of February 2016.  We will need to reevaluate our project timeline depending on whether we can wait for the transporter to be completed or if we choose the alternative export process.
      3. Single sign on:  Most of the work has been done.  What remains:
          1. Step one:  Replacing the username with the CWID
          2. Step two:  Getting the CAS authentication working with OU's API
      4. Alex will warn De Anza management that the schedule may be pushed out 1 or 2 months.
      5. VPN access:  The network team is aware of the need for off campus access via VPN.  Chien will follow up with Sharon and cc Alex and Larry.
      6. We will touch base with OU regarding the utility to update the username with the CWID at the next meeting.
      7. We will also ask them about regularly scheduling upgrades whenever they update the SaaS side to keep both sides in sync.  Another upgrade was released on December 22nd.  Chris will submit a ticket.