Purchasing Website Kick-Off Agenda
Nov. 4, 2014, 11 a.m.-noon
1. Review the converted purchasing web site from Manila
2. Design methodology and how the converted pages will work
a. Slider structure
b. Tile and directory
c. OU editor
d. Graphics
3. Time line
a. November 4th , 2014 kick off
b. January 15th , 2015 go live
c. Weekly project team meeting (Wednesday? When?)
d. Project team members
4. Responsibility
a. Technical
i. Test instance maintenance
ii. Design layout, directory setup, tile setup
iii. Training of the functional users to use OU
iv. Support
b. Functional
i. Web site structure design
ii. Content clean up
iii. Content selection and association to the structure design
iv. Testing and maintenance of the web site