ETS: 9-23-14 Team Meeting

Clockwork Project Team Meeting Minutes

September 23, 2014 10 a.m.-noon


Participants: Mary Baddam, Marilyn Booye, Shirley Schooler, Teresa Ong, San Lu, Roland Amit, Lourdes Parent, Chien Shih, Mahmood Hasan, Jim Clow, Linda Koyama

A.  Forms Walk through with Mary (10-11 a.m.)

  1. On-line intake is for new students only.

  2. Lourdes felt that there should be a simpler form with general SSSP check boxes. Once Marilyn can review the forms, she will get together with Lourdes to come up with the details of a simpler form.

  3. Lourdes suggested that the information from Banner be the same color.

  4.  Lourdes will need access to the raw data from the Clockwork database. The data is encrypted; Lourdes will work with Ryan to see if he can grant her access.

  5. Disability form: Differences between Foothill and De Anza. Foothill only had letter codes and De Anza had descriptions describing the code. Lourdes suggested adding descriptions maybe in parenthesis next to the letter code. De Anza would like to add non-claimable.

  6. Foothill's Medical verification should not be a data form but a downloadable form that needs a doctor's signature.

  7. The accommodation's form is used to confirm what accommodations are needed for the student, not what was discussed during an appointment.

  8. Foothill needs a checklist of services (Lourdes will send a list,i.e. orientation, ) for each appointment with the student as part of the session notes.

  9. For veterans, we need to add Chapter 31. For the upload files, Mary will take off the mandatory requirement so that they can bring in hard copies as well. Lourdes needs to know if the student is a dependent of a veteran (Chapter 35) or if the student is part of the National Guard (1606, reserve or gurad; 1607, active duty).

  10.  Lourdes suggested to specify "Registration with the Veteran's Office".

  11. Electronic signature: Marilyn needs to provide more information. It is a separate custom project which needs to be evaluated by the Clockwork developers to determine cost and hours and what will be involved. Mary will resend the questions to Marilyn.

  12. Clockwork needs to be installed before our users can log in and view the forms. For veterans, Mary can send us a link to see the workflow.

  13. Mary emphasized that changes can be submitted only once so that she can work on the final version to hand over to our users.

(Start of Project Team Meeting)

B.  Terminal server vs. installing on individual computers: Although Mary doesn't recommend it, we will try using a terminal server. If it doesn't work, we need to know as soon as possible to determine an alternative.

C. Next Step

  1. From the results of the walk through, the consensus of the users is to have Clockwork installed so that they can look at the screens carefully, decide on the changes, and then send them to Mary.

  2. Data related to accommodations and disabilities which is currently being entered into Banner via SGADISA will be entered into Clockwork, summarized and will be uploaded back into Banner at the end of the term once Clockwork is in place.

  3. Need to keep in mind the scope and timeline of the project. ETS will plan to have the software installed by Monday, Sept. 29th, and the users will have a chance to look at the forms, decide on changes, and submit to Mary in writing by Friday, 10/3/14 (again, changes can only be submitted once).

  4.  Lourdes will need to work with Hasan to see the database and how the data will flow into the database.

  5. Mary will proceed to look into the possibility of an electronic signature once she receives the necessary information from Marilyn.

  6. Mary needs to let Chien know if there any problems to single sign-on into the system.

  7. Jim said that he will have some preliminary data for Mary in the next couple of days.