ETS: Clockwork Project Team Meeting

 Clockwork Project Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2015 10-11 a.m.


Participants :  Mary Baddam and Marilyn Booye by phone;  Teresa Ong, San Lu, Chien Shih,  Mahmood Hasan, Jim Clow, Katia Rostam Yazdi,  Linda Koyama 

  1. DA was having difficulty creating PDF copies of letters.  Marilyn will try again; if she is still having difficulty, Jim suggested that she submit a KACE ticket for Ryan.

  2. Mary was having difficulty getting in through VPN.  She has been in touch with Ryan and will try again today.  Clockwork support will use the VPN that Mary uses; we do not need to set up another one.

  3. De Anza was having trouble with Clockwork freezing.  San suggested to log off of the RDC first and to go to the bottom left hand corner to the start menu and log off, it will do a complete close of all the applications in the remote desktop session.

  4. There was an error message when trying to access the test server. Mary had a chance to take a look at the error message and will work on it.  Ryan will need to work with her on the configurations on Yosemite for the test server.

  5. There is a problem of FH faculty going to De Anza and DA faculty going to Foothill.  Teresa is asking for more spacing between the links for the instructor login on myportal.  Jim will ask Chris.

  6. A FH physics teacher was able to go into the DA link and can see some of his classes in this link, even though he is teaching only at Foothill.  It's because the student's primary campus is De Anza.  We will need to change what appears on MyPortal and only show the links applicable for that instructor.  If the instructor teaches only at Foothill, only the Foothill link will appear and likewise for De Anza.  If the instructor teachers at both colleges, both links appear.  Jim will touch base with Chris or Matt.

  7. DA is e-mailing instructors a direct url  to see their accommodation letters.  Foothill is asking the instructors to go to myportal.  FH is offering to share their training slides, tutorial and video.  DA will share what they have as well.

  8. Mail merge code is popping up the instructor's e-mail.  FH has submitted a ticket with Clockwork. Mary suggests to use  individual codes.

  9. Possible Phase II enhancement:  Response from FH faculty is that they would prefer a test ID. If there is one test and four people are taking it at different times, the instructor has to fill out the wizard four times.  If all the students enter the same class test time, it will be viewed as the same test; however, it will be confusing for the students since they have an approved revised test time.  25% population problem.  Mary will think about it further.

  10. Chien's comments:  1).  Would like to see the test server available in production as soon as possible for future releases.  2).  Gradually move into post production maintenance mode, to set up first, second and third line of support.  First line of support:  Colleges.  Responsible for procedural documentation for students, faculty and staff.  Each college must identify who will provide this type of support.  They will be the front line to answer questions  and train new faculty or existing faculty and students.  Second line of support:  ETS.  Internal migration from the PMO group, who  will need to collect all the documentation and issues to transfer support and responsibility to the BCG group.  PMO will determine the hand over date.  The KACE system will add "Clockwork" for a drop down option.  Third line:  Clockwork support.