Clockwork Project Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2015 10-11 a.m.
Participants : Mary Baddam, Marilyn Booye, Stacey Shears, Ryan Anthony (by phone), Teresa Ong, San Lu, Chien Shih, Mahmood Hasan, Jim Clow, Erwin Widiarta, Katia Rostam Yazdi, Linda Koyama
1. New software release: Mary sent the info to Ryan and he will update it tonight.
2. Admin.url will be added under in My Portal under employees. FH is requesting that it be in place by Friday 8 a.m. for their testing session with the testing center. Jim will touch base with Chris.
3. FH five virtual rooms have been set up.
4. The data clean up for vets is scheduled for Feb 13th.
5. Teresa confirmed that Feb 26th is okay to load historical data.
5. FH has tentatively scheduled Mar. 30th for additional admin. training. Mary will send us an approx. number of hours for each module so that the colleges can decide how many hours they would like to request. Whether it will be a joint training with De Anza is yet to be determined. DA and FH will need to discuss with Mary the possibility of flying her out for more on-site training.
6. Mary will be on call for troubleshooting during the FH training sessions.
7. Additional licenses: Requisition has been approved in Banner by Teresa. FH will work with De Anza for budget transfer. Mary will need the license information when it is ready to reissue the license key.
8. Acrobat on the terminal server: Ryan does not have the software; will need to touch base with tech. services.
9. The test server is running and is available for Mary to install the software. Ryan will e-mail the server name to Mary. They currently have the backend SQL access to DA DSPS but also need it for FH Vet and DRC; Ryan will repeat the same procedure for the other two.l
11. Go live dates set: Feb 23rd for FH Vet, April 1st for FH DRC and DA DSPS
12. Webpage updates: FH is looking for a vendor to create how-to videos for faculty or a simple powerpoint for the interim. Veterans webpage needs updating.
13. Coordination with ETS is necessary when the new webpages go live to open up for all CWIDs.
14. DA does not need to add more CWIDs for testing at this time.
15. FH staff training: First one this Friday in testing center. (How to book a test, what the students will see on their end). Mary gave San some pointers on how to run the testing center training. He also put together notes to share.
16. Form changes: Still tweaking minor changes for FH vets. They have scheduled time with Mary to go over them. DA DSPS is making changes on their end and will contact Mary if they run into any problems.
17. FH report needed for research: Stacey and Teresa met with Lourdes to find out what data she needed for MIS reporting. Clockwork assumes the student showed for the appointments made; you can mark no-shows. Need to keep track of appointments the students actually attended and what services they requested. It is important to define what reports you will need out of Clockworks to make sure that the data is currently being captured. We will be requesting some custom reports from Mary.