ETS: Clockwork Project Team Meeting

 Clockwork Project Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2015 10-11 a.m.


Participants :  Mary Baddam (by phone),  Marilyn Booye, Teresa Ong, San Lu,  Arvin Salomon, Mahmood Hasan, Jim Clow, Erwin Widiarta, Katia Rostam Yazdi, Linda Koyama


1. Mary has made the requested form changes for veterans.  There are a few more that Arvin is requesting and they have a meeting scheduled this afternoon.  Mary feels they will be ready to go live on the 23rd.

2. Feb 13th: Target date for FH veterans SQL data clean up.

3.  Feb 26th:  Target date for clean up and historical data upload for DA DSPS and FH DRC .  FH DRC is soft-launching March 13th.  

4.  Will concentrate on the test server  after FH Vets go live.  Mary doesn't want to create the test database until after all changes have been finalized.

5.  Training schedule:  March 9th-13th tentative schedule for Mary to come back out for De Anza.  Mary was hoping to come out the week of the 16th.  (Jim is out March 12th-25th).  May need to schedule one on one training for Jim.  Admin. training may be included while she is here.  Finalizing dates will need to decided offline.

6.  There was a managed service provider error from DA.  Mary is looking into it.

7.  One DA staff member with disabilities who is using Clockwork with JAWS had created a list of questions for Mary to review.

8.  Additional licenses:  FH 25 Clockwork licenses, 15 with Outlook sync; DA 46 Clockwork licenses, 35 with Outlook sync.  Mary needs Teresa to futher divide the FH licenses between Vets and DRC.  

9.  Sending out letters with pdf:  Hasan had touched base with Ryan yesterday.  He is investigating.

10.  There is a security object that doesn't have the correct rights for DA DSPS SQL database.  Ryan is working on it.

11.  FH is rewriting their business processes and is looking for a video vendor.  Marilyn would like the contact info for the video vendor.

12.  Need to coordinate the updates with the webpages with ETS changes (unblock CWID#s) .

13.  VM issues prevented FH test center testing from happening last Friday.

14.  Client side app vs terminal server:  Staff would prefer client side app (FH 11, DA 45).  The deans, Chien and Sharon's team will need to be involved in the discussion.  Hasan will inform Chien.

15.  Form changes updates:  FH vets should be done by today.  FH DRC is very close to be completed.  DA DSPS is hoping to be done by the end of next week.

16.  DA DSPS is starting to work on reports.  FH  will concentrate on reports after they go live; Teresa is confident that they have all the data that they need.