ETS: Clockwork Project Team Meeting

 Clockwork Project Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2014 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


Participants :  Mary Baddam (by phone), Stacey Shears, Marilyn Booye, Teresa Ong,  Mariel Estrada, Kai Chang, Chien Shih, Katia Rostam Yazdi  

1. Mary walked through De Anza's DSPS forms first.  

    1. Session notes:  Mary will change the labels of the fields according to the file Marilyn had sent. 
    2. Each block will need a different color and Mary will show how to change it during the training.    They will review it one last time by Friday morning.
    3. Section VI was copied from Foothill's.  It needs to be reviewed.
    4. De Anza will review the Web intake form.
    5. Some of the drop lists still need to be completed.  Psychological disability drop down does not need two different levels, one drop down should be enough.  Mary will finish the list today.
    6. One box for "priority registration" is missing for accommodations.
    7. Redundant boxes can be removed in the future. 
    8. Pulling info from Banner is working correctly.
  1.  Foothill DRC
    1. Need to work on labels, i.e. emergency contact info.  Everything has been mapped.
    2. Holds will be changed to a radio button.
    3. To log in as another user, you need to log in as admin. (clockwork login).  Choose "log in as another user", enter cwid in student number field and click "switch log in".   Then you can book a test.  Only admin. users can log in as another student or faculty.  Choose admin. users prior to training so that they can be trained.
    4. Session notes won't appear without an appointment.  Completed.
    5. Student info still needs to be finalized (labels) and to confirm the mapping is correct.
    6. Accommodations and online intake form are done.  
    7. Teresa will send a word doc with screen shots where things should be mapped to Mary
  2. Go live date to move to production:  We are targeting to go live in January, changing the focus on the operation side.  The users would decide when to turn on each module.  We can coordinate 2 sessions of pilot testing with a sample of students (15) to see the work flow and generate reports.  The first will be scheduled after training and the second one will be scheduled the second week in January.  The departments will need to provide sample CWIDs.  Any necessary changes can then be made and moved to production.  Goal for Mary is to finish all the changes by the next meeting, Wednesday, November 26 from 10-11:30 a.m.
  3. Mary will send the agenda for the training today.  Kick off session on the first day and a wrap up session on the last day.  8:30  a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  with an hour break for lunch.
  4. Mary is still working on the FH Vets.  She will e-mail Teresa when she is completed.