Clockwork Project Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2015 1-2 p.m.
Participants : Mary Baddam, Marilyn Booye, Stacey Shears, Jim Haynes, and Teresa Ong (by phone), San Lu, Arvin Salomon, Chien Shih, Jim Clow, Erwin Widiarta, Katia Rostam Yazdi, Linda Koyama
- Summary of where we are:
- Projected go-live date: April 1st, 2015, for FH DRC and DA DSPS, FH Vets go-live date: February 23rd, 2015.
- Single Sign On: Students will go through MyPortal using a portlet for Clockworks. Mary is working with her programmers on some errors and hoping to have it ready tomorrow (1/8/15).
- Banner sync for all three groups is completed.
- All three groups have been making changes on forms directly with Mary.
- Foothill Veterans
- Mary would like to go through the changes with Arvin directly. Arvin will schedule a time with Mary.
- When it is a brand new veteran and has not registered with the VRC, the "register with us" link is not working.
- Teresa wondered if the log in can be done through the VRC website for new Vets. Chien cautioned that it will be a lot more additional work to use LDAP.
- Who is going to educate student veterans and faculty about the new process? FH VCR plans to broadcast announcements for faculty. Can use the student announcement channel through A & R or marketing.
- Initially they are planning to do things in parallel (old process and new system) and have multiple work stations.
- Marilyn inquired about the wording of the link in the MyPortal. Jim said that it is up to them. (Clockwork DSP&S?).
- De Anza has created a list of minor changes, some that they are trying to make themselves. Will meet with Jim and Lourdes to finalize the list before sending it to Mary. Chien suggested to focus on the go-live requirements.
- One staff member cannot use the remote desktop because it does not work with her JAWS reader. Stacey has submitted a ticket to load a different interface to log into Clockwork on her desktop.
- Need to verify that all the Banner data is coming through correctly.
- Priority right now is to make sure the functions between students requesting accommodations, instructors receiving the requests, providing feedback and scheduling exams are working correctly.
- Teresa is planning to buy 10 more licenses. Marilyn will touch base with Teresa too.
- Take away items:
- Issues needing attention need to have deadlines and need to be validated by the users.
- Training for instructors need to be scheduled.
- Need a plan on how we will roll the system out to the user community.
- ETS needs to create a screen mock-up so that everyone can see what it will look like on MyPortal.
- Teresa and Marilyn will touch base to decide how many more licenses to purchase.