HR/Payroll BDM Project Meeting Minutes
Oct. 10, 2014 11 a.m.-noon
Attendees: Louis Chen (Ellucian consultant) and Ryan Anthony by phone, Nancy Chao, Charo Albarran, Rachelle Licon, Araceli Kaliangara, Kit Perales, Patti Conens, Cynthia Smith, Anna Luna, Kris Lestini, Michelle Moreno, Christine Vo, Shelley Du, Irma Rodarte, Erwin Widiarta, Chien Shih, Deepa Prasad, Linda Koyama
- Project information can be found on the ets website at: Timeline and implementation team is also on the website. If you would like to add any names to the implementation team, please let Linda Koyama know at
- Review process and progress
- Reviewed the list of index fields, routing statuses, and document types.
- It was requested to add Benefits, Classified-hourly and Classified, PT Faculty-Campus, PT Faculty-District to the routing status list.
- Deepa will send an e-mail asking which employees need access to which routing status. Bill will set up security groups associated with each routing status. Each individual will have either read only, or read/write capability
- .It was decided that PAA doc type can be removed.
- The benefit doc types need to be added.
- Benefits would like to add individual tax ID number as a doc type for undocumented workers. If they are hired, will they have a SSN? Requires further discussion.
- Christine wanted to know if the administrator level for benefits would prefer to see the entire SSN when querying employees. Will investigate further if this is go live critical. (Need to find out if this will also allow payroll and HR to see it too).
3. Paper document process and FNTI (3rd party scan vendor) schedule
a. Index fields, routing statuses, document types need to be finalized
b. ETS will generate a list of all current employees and retirees (employee ID, last name, first name, and classification type, i.e. full time faculty, part time faculty etc.). Irma will need to know what criteria to use to select the names.
c, FNTI will then provide a searchable soft copy of unique bar codes for each employee as well as human readable elements such as ID, last name, first name. HR will use this info to print out cover sheets for each employee file.
d. FNTI will also give us barcodes for each document types with readable info. Once we have a soft copy of these barcodes, we can print them to segregate the hard copy documents in each employee file.
e. Separate bar codes for the years will be created to be printed on a separate sheet from fiscal year 09-10 forward.
4. Timeline
a. Once the document types are finalized, and the employee list is ready, we will consult with Rocci at FNTI to see soon we can get the barcodes. Chien is optimistic that the turnaround time will be a week.
b. Due dates are broken up by alphabet, including time to review what has been scanned for quality control.
c. there are any concerns that these dates cannot be met, Charo needs to know now.
5. Training
a .Lasts about 1 ½ - 2 full days, depending on how many people will attend and how many questions come up.
b. If you have any topics you would like him to go over, please e-mail him beforehand
c. .Louis suggests that you bring a lot of documents to scan.
d. Everyone can come at the same time since you will be using the same cabinet.
e. Test accounts need to be set up by ETS and a scanner available.
f. The training will take place in D270. Louis will send an agenda.
6. Deepa needs to collect information from HR as to which document type is associated with which INB form prior to Louis' visit.