25Live Project Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2016 2-3 pm
Attendees: Andrew Van Dyk account manager from CollegeNet, Ben Schnoor sales manager
from CollegeNet, Kim Te, Mi Chang remotely; Denise Perez, Shawna Aced, Susan Traynor,
Chien Shih, Erwin Widiarta, Deepa Prasad, Linda Koyama
- It was clarified that Foothill is currently using R25 daily. We are looking for a
solution that will work for both campuses and the district at large. One or two databases
can work.
- Considerations
- Cost: Andrew will give us a quote to add an additional license and maintenance for another database by early next week. Chien cautioned that this will delay the project if we go in this direction to acquire approval for this additional cost.
- Normalize the data
- Maintenance
- District level reporting
- Best Practice: Many other districts with mutiple colleges have gone with one database.
- Advantages/disadvantages of a single database
- We will need to agree on the master definitions (categories, attributes, features i.e. ada accessible).
- More complex security structure with a single database.
- You can apply object level security on any object in the database (locations, resources, events, spaces) so that De Anza folks will only see De Anza spaces, events, resources and the same for Foothill.
- It will be labor intensive in the beginning to set up the object level security. Each folder will have object level security as well. There will still need maintenance involved where the object level security may need tweeking, adding new rooms or new security groups.
- De Anza and Foothill create cabinets every academic quarter and each cabinet has multiple folders. In addition, there is a cabinet for non-class related reservations that include folders for facilities rentals, community ed, misc. instructional room bookings, etc. If you copy a cabinet, it will inherit the object level security (not available in R25 but available in 25Live). It is better to copy rather than start from scratch.
- You can allow users to only view spaces and not edit them.
- There is no super administrator. De Anza users will continue to maintain their objects and Foothill users will continue to maintain Foothill objects.
- Using one database. we will need to merge the data and then overlay the security on top of the data.
- Courses are like events. Courses will flow into the events cabinet structure, one cabinet for each college and for each quarter. Subject codes are sometimes the same or different. The interface can use the campus codes to determine which cabinet to route to.
- District wide calendaring capabilities (per campus calendaring also feasible) are available for both one or two databases.
- Allows easy district wide reporting, along with per campus reporting.
- If we go with two databases, Andrew strongly recommends that we have two separate 25Live upgrade on-site engagements, which will be an additional cost.
- Lower maintenance costs, because licensing one database is less expensive.
- Most system or district schools use a single database.
- Migrating data will be simplified with two databases.
- Considerations
- Next step: Andrew will provide a cost proposal for the two database license and maintenance option.