ETS: 25 Live Project Meeting

 25Live SaaS Migration Meeting Minutes

March 7, 2016 9-10 am

Attendees:  Andrew Van Dyk remotely;   Chien Shih, Jerrick Woo, Mahmood Hasan, Linda Koyama 

  1. The colleges are deciding on the date for the first 3 day on-site business process engagement, most likely end of March or early April.
  2. FHDA SaaS Migration Team
      1. Project Manager:  Chien Shih, Tehnical project lead Mahmood Hasan
      2. DBA Administrator:  Ryan Anthony
      3. Interface Aministrator:  Jerrick Woo
      4. Functional Administrator:   Kim Te (De Anza) and Denise Perez (Foothill)
      5. Key Academic Scheduler Kim Te (De Anza) and Denise Perez (Foothill)
      6. Events Susan Traynor (Foothill), Tony Arellano (De Anza), Kay Thornton (Foothill)
      7. LDAP or Shibboleth Administrator  (Matt Rapczynski)
      8. WebServices Programmers:  Mahmood Hasan
      9. District level Functional Administrator:   Deepa Prasad 
  3. Three Phases involved with the SaaS Migration: 
    1.  Data Gathering Phase:  Used to build a test environment.
    2. Testing phase:Test the new environment.
    3.  Final migration:  Turn over the local environment and move the users entirely over the SaaS, using R25 in SaaS.  After the SaaS migration, we will be ready to configure 25Live.
  4. Review of the SaaS Migration Checklist: 

      1. Andrew will need the following which he detailed in a previous email shown below:
          1. Series25 Technical Environment
              1. To move all your current Series25 environment to a SaaS environment hosted by CollegeNET, we will need to get some key data from your school. Here's what your team should send over: 

                -   SaaS Migration Questionnaire – This questionnaire (attached) will give key information to CollegeNET support staff who will be in charge with setting up your environment.

                - Series25 Production Data - During the SaaS migration, two snapshots of your Series25 production database will be sent to CollegeNET.  How to send these data snapshots is outlined in the "Migrating to a Series25 SaaS Environment" checklist.  Each send snapshot's significance is described in brief below:

                Snapshot #1 - This snapshot is used during the testing process in getting your SaaS environment set-up.
                Snapshot #2 - This snapshot is the "final" snapshot of your R25 production instance created only once all testing is complete and a "production cut over date" has been decided between yourself and your account manager. Once this snapshot has been uploaded to SaaS, your school will begin entering data solely in the SaaS environment

                -  WebViewer Files - If your school is us currently using WebViewer, these custom files will need to be sent to CollegeNET. Please zip the "wv3" folder (found on your WebViewer's web server) as well as the "hts" folder (found on the application server) and upload the zipped files to the CollegeNET FTP.  Also, please send me the current WV username and password of your WebViewer seat user (or provide it in the SaaS Questionnaire).

                -  Custom Reports - If there are any Custom WebServices Reports created for Series25, they will need to be uploaded in your SaaS environment.  Please zip the "cust" folder (found in the R25 reports directory) and send the zipped file to me.

                -  Active R25 Usernames - If you have users actively using Resource25, please send me their usernames.  I will use this list to create a Citrix account for each user.

      2. LInda will send the completed questionaire to Andrew.
      3. Steps 1-3 can be checked off.
      4. Step 4:  Ryan will need to run the script to clear out any database orphans.
      5. Step 5:  We use Microsoft SQL Server.  We will need to send the initial snapshot of De Anza's production database.  If we run into any technical difficulty, we can email
      6. We will need to clarify how much Foothill is currently using R25.  They are batch loading course info from Banner.
  1. There was much discussion regarding the timing of migrating Foothill's data and the continued availability of the local R25 instances for both colleges.
      1. Andrew recommended to only migrate De Anza's database and after their services, they will advise us how to extract Foothill's data and load it into the migrated De Anza database.
      2. De Anza will continue to use R25 in the hosted environment after the final migration.  After we go through the services, Foothill will be able to use 25Live.
      3. The services will happen together for both colleges.  They will be trained together, they will be learning about 25Live together.
      4. For the Business Process Training, they will not need to look at the live data.  They will talk generally about the data that is in the database.  Both colleges will discuss how they are doing things now and then will map those processes over to 25Live.  There is no live training in the 25Live database at this time, only conceptual mapping.
      5. During the 25Live Upgrade on-site service,  data is updated and the configured for 25Live.  The merge of the Foothill data will most likely happen between these two on-site trainings to make a district wide database.
      6. ETS will be responsible for extracting Foothill's data using the webservices API to pull the data into excel and then load the data into series25 using the import tool.
      7. ETS is asking CollegeNet to provide other districts that have successfully converted to 25Live in the same situation as FHDA.
      8. CITRIX accounts will need to be created for all active R25 users to access the hosted R25 instance.  The password will be the same for everyone.
      9. When you migrate to SaaS, you are not migrating into 25Live, we're just moving the local, existing usage of R25 over to a hosted environment.  The users will do exactly what they were doing locally, except now they will be accessing the hosted instance.  That is why the CITRIX access is needed.
      10. There is only one database for R25 and 25Live.
      11. We will continue to use the local R25 instance until we get to step 26, where we will start using the SaaS database.
      12. They will only log into CITRIX when they need to go through the testing phase steps which includes making sure the Banner interface can send data to the SaaS environment, and  the users can access to run reports.
      13. After step 26, De Anza will be switching to R25 SaaS and we will start the 25Live configuration.  
      14. It is not necessary to keep the R25 SaaS database in sync and up-to-date with the remote version of R25 until step 26.
      15. Andrew does not recomment to merge of the databases until after the SaaS migration.  Once the data is merged, the security layer needs to applied,(object level secuity, assignment policy, and make sure it doesn't effect the De Anza users).  
      16. Another option is to merge the Foothill data into the local De Anza R25 and then migrate to SaaS.
      17. We will work on the details for the data merge in the next call.
  2. FHDA questions needing further clarification
    1. Why is it necessary to migrate R25 to SaaS and have our users log into the SaaS environment and use this instance as the production instance until we are ready to go live with 25Live?
    2. After we do the final snapshot migration of the De Anza database, why can't we migrate Foothill's data using the API and then have both colleges start working on their 25Live configuration?
    3. What testing role will Foothill College have if there is only De Anza data in SaaS?  
    4. Is it possible to have a system architect on the next call?