ETS: Purchasing Website Project Team Meeting

Purchasing Website Project Team Meeting Minutes

November 25, 2014 2-3 p.m.


 Attendees: Pam Grey, John Pham, Linda Mahi, Chien Shih, Thuy Quach, Myisha Washington, Deepa Prasad, Linda Koyama

A. Advice from the HR website team

  1. Schedule is tight; it's important to work on it weekly.
  2. Spent time in the ETS weekly website meeting to see the progress, set goals, and ask questions to the ETS staff.
  3. Kept in mind that changes can continue to be made after you go live, but the bulk of the content was finalized by the go-live date.
  4. HR advised to start working on icons and slider pictures early, once you know how many tiles you plan to have.
  5. Strive to keep it to a maximum of three clicks.
  6. Come in knowing what you want and where you want it, and how to organize your info.  Look at your current website and decide what info you want to keep and what info should go under which area.  Then decide if you want left nav or full page, if you want tiles.
  7. The left nav on the Manila Site was the same for all the pages; they changed it so that the left nav links related to the page itself, or changed the page to full width, eliminating the left nav altogether.  Deepa explained how to manage what appears on the left nav.
  8. The site was not shared with the rest of the staff until they were close to completing instead of asking for input throughout the process.
  9. They looked at other colleges' websites and incorporated what they liked.

B.  Goals for Purchasing

  1. Layout finalized by the end of December (slider topics, left nav, tiles, pictures)
  2. You can evaluate most popular pages on your website using Google analytics and can change the layout (i.e.order of tiles) even after you go live.
  3. You can go live with 80% content completed.
  4. Review each slider and tile and finalize wording and content.
  5. Do you want to use more graphics and be less wordy?  More tables?
  6. Do you want to categorize tiles by what the user wants to do  (how do I submit purchase req, how do I get a quote?)   Why do people come to your site?  Where is the traffic going?  You can have a tile to help step you through the process.  
  7. Purchasing is more process driven whereas HR is more staff driven.
  8. You can have info in more than one place (You can still have a forms tile listing all the forms)
  9. You can create a "How do I..."  tile.  Can start with two, how to create an ICA agreement, how to dispose of surplus equipment.  Can link to a page with a list in the left nav or group of tiles.
  10. Requisition status can possibly be a direct link into Banner. 
  11. No need for additional training on how to use your website once you go live; pretty self-explanatory.
  12. Tiles are for internal users; slider topics are for external customers.
  13. We can experiment with the layout; ETS can create prototypes to show you what it will look like.
  14. Pam is hoping to hire a consultant to document their processes.    Will pick the top two (ICA agreement and surplus disposal) and work on the documentation and determine what info will be tied to these topics.